The Creation of Our Planet
In this story, we learn how God creates new worlds and why people in heaven call us “red”.
If you can’t imagine God creating a new world and filling it with life in seven days, then you are under imagining the power of God.
In this book, we learned how humans are artificial intelligence living in a quantum computer game. So our Creator can make a new world and fill it with life just as easily as kids can do that in digital computer games like Minecraft. In Minecraft, a kid can create a new world and fill it with life in seven minutes, not seven days. (1 min)
Our Creator has technology that’s way more sophisticated than ours. For example, everything in your body that’s not fat or water, is made from protein nanobots that have mechanical motors, pumps, valves, and even tiny little legs that walk. Here is a protein motor that cells use to swim around in your blood. Does this thing look organic to you?
Your skeleton is constructed from fiber optic carbon fibers that conduct light, heat, sound, force, and electricity. Your muscles are piezoelectric, which means they generate their own electricity from the force of your feet “plugging into the ground” with every step you take. That’s why NASA forces astronauts to run on treadmills in space. Your brain is a quantum computing neural network with more processing power than the Fugaku supercomputer, but uses less electricity than a 100 watt lightbulb. In fact, your robot body is so efficient that you can move your bodyweight over a mile from just the calories inside an apple. And God created all of that from just 750 megabytes of DNA. 🤯
If you still can’t imagine yourself as artificial intelligence living in a quantum computer game, you are partially to blame. You are hallucinating almost everything you can see right now. Only about 5% of the sensors inside your eyes can even detect color. Here’s what the data streaming into your optic nerve actually looks like:
Your subconscious mind uses the light and color data from the center of the image to “guess” at the rest of the scene. So 97% of every “pixel” you see, all day every day, is made up by the generative-ai inside your own imagination.
See why your quantum computing brain is so powerful? Look around, it generates a continuous 576-megapixel virtual reality for you without ever glitching. 🤯
The idea that we live in a quantum computer game is really difficult to imagine, so let’s think about it from the opposite perspective. Game developers are already putting intelligent AI into video games using a technique called Embodied Agents. The only world the AI can experience is the one the game builds around it, so what would you say to an embodied agent to convince them that they live inside a video game?
Your world isn’t real?
Your whole world is made out of information?
Here is an interesting video of someone attempting to do this in Unreal Engine 5. Some of the AI responses are incredible. (17 mins)
We are embodied artificial intelligence. God created quantum neural networks in his image and now we are creating digital neural networks in our image. Get it?
The real reason we don’t notice that we live inside a quantum computer game is because reality is responding to our subconscious minds billions of times per second, which is way too fast for us to notice. The most shocking aspect of quantum mechanics is that atoms and electrons only behave as physical particles whenever they are measured or observed. So our reality is alive, just like the worlds in digital computer games. For example, Minecraft only draws the Minecraft world whenever the players go in the game.
Our reality is so alive that God can say, “Let the earth produce vegetation.”
And it was so.
Our reality is so alive that Jesus says we can tell the mountains to go throw themselves into the sea and expect it to happen. But notice how we have to speak to the mountains for it to work?
+ Create New World
Once we accept that we live inside an open world video game, it enables us to read Genesis 1 and 2 with fresh eyes. In Hebrew, the quantum world that we live in is called the erets. It’s mentioned in the very first verse.
Genesis 1: 1 In the beginning, God created the heavens (plural) and the erets (singular).
The reason the heavens are plural is because the original Hebrew word includes:
The first heaven = sky
The second heaven = outer space
The third heaven = dimensions outside our universe
In 2 Corinthians 12, when Paul says he knows a guy who went to the “third heaven” and heard words that can’t be spoken here, that is likely a dimension outside our universe. People with near death experiences frequently mention hearing words that can’t be spoken here.
Erets is singular. English Bibles translate erets in this verse as lower case “earth” because it means “dirt” or “matter”. Here are some other ways erets is translated into English in the North American Standard Bible (with their counts):
country (44), countries (15)
dust (1)
earth (655)
ground (119)
land (1581), lands (57)
plateau* (1)
region (1)
world (3)
Genesis 1:1 could just as easily read, “In the beginning, God created the sky and the land”.
Genesis 1: 2 Now the erets was empty and formless, darkness covered the surface of the watery depths, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.
So at this point, the erets is empty space. In the first story of this chapter, we discussed how the “watery depths” in this verse is the easiest way to explain quantum mechanics to a primitive caveman who only knew 8500 words. There’s nothing but mathematical uncertainty all the way down to the pixels of reality. If you wanna deep dive that rabbit hole, read:
In that story, we reviewed the latest physics research from Melvin Vopson, who formally proposes that Information is the First State of Matter. Duh, isn’t that how video games work? 🤣
Vopson combined Information Theory from Claude Shannon with the theories from Einstein to estimate the total amount of information in the universe: including all the planets, stars, galaxies, and interstellar mediums. Isn’t that amazing? He actually measured The Matrix—our Matrix.
Candidly, the latest research from the world smartest scientists sounds just as crazy as the Bible. It takes just as much faith to believe the entire universe is made out of information, as it takes to believe an advanced civilization created it. 🤔
We really do live in an open world video game. Once you accept that, everything in the Bible becomes possible—giants, dragons, angels, demons, demi-gods, magical columns of fire, parting of the Red Sea, magical healing, teleportation, telepathic communication, talking donkeys, manna from heaven, flying through the air, and walking on water. What isn’t possible in a video game made out of information?
In Genesis 1, God personally gives us a user demo. Here’s how God talks to the universe.
Genesis 1: 3 Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and He called the darkness “night.” Evening came and then morning: the first day.
6 Then God said, “Let there be an expanse between the waters, separating water from water.” 7 So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above the expanse. And it was so. 8 God called the expanse “sky.” Evening came and then morning: the second day.
9 Then God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so.
In the original Hebrew, dry land is not the same word as erets. Verse 9 is describing the creation of Pangea, which looked like this:
The Earth wasn’t transformed into our current continental configuration until the global flood in Genesis 7. The scientific evidence for that is buried in every single fossil on every single continent. We will deep dive all the evidence in:
Genesis 1: 10 God called the dry land “erets,” and He called the gathering of the water “seas.” And God saw that it was good. 11 Then God said, “Let the erets produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and fruit trees on the erets bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds.” And it was so. 12 The erets produced vegetation: seed-bearing plants according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 13 Evening came and then morning: the third day.
14 Then God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night. They will serve as signs for festivals and for days and years. 15 They will be lights in the expanse of the sky to provide light on the erets.” And it was so. 16 God made the two great lights—the greater light to have dominion over the day and the lesser light to have dominion over the night—as well as the stars. 17 God placed them in the expanse of the sky to provide light on the erets, 18 to dominate the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 Evening came and then morning: the fourth day.
Okay, this is the most confusing part of the creation story. In verse 3, God transformed the empty and formless erets into light and matter. But that was only the first day of the world where we live, not the first day of the heavens. Remember, the heavens were not empty and formless in verse 2, only the erets was empty and formless. Now in verse 10, we learn that the erets is Earth. So Genesis 1 is not describing the creation of the entire universe, Genesis 1 is only describing the creation of our solar system.
Yeah, when you read the original text of verse 16, God only made two great lights on the fourth day of creation. The only reason the stars are mentioned is to say that they will be dominated by the moon. About 70% of English translations tack on an extra sentence that reads, “He also made the stars.”, but most English translations are based on the King James Bible from 1611. You can keep the medieval worldview that God created the entire universe in seven days if you want, but the Bible clearly states the heavens were not empty and formless in verse 2.
God created a very special solar system just for us. The energy output from our sun is five times more stable than the second most stable star in our galaxy. The exact size of the sun, the exact size of the moon, and their exact distances from our planet are why life is possible here. If you want to learn twenty more reasons why our planet is incredibly special, check out this interview with an astrophysicist who followed the science to God. (9 mins)
Genesis 1: 20 Then God said, “Let the water swarm with living creatures, and let birds fly above the erets across the expanse of the sky.” 21 So God created the large sea-creatures and every living creature that moves and swarms in the water, according to their kinds. He also created every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 So God blessed them, “Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the waters of the seas, and let the birds multiply on the erets.” 23 Evening came and then morning: the fifth day.
24 Then God said, “Let the erets produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that crawl, and the wildlife of the erets according to their kinds.” And it was so. 25 So God made the wildlife of the erets according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and creatures that crawl on the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
Think your kids could create a new world in Minecraft and populate it with life in six days?
The Rulers Above
If you are already offended by this story, buckle your pew belts. Before we finish reading Genesis 1 and 2, there are two more Hebrew words we need to learn.
So far, the only Hebrew word that we have preserved in the English translation is erets, which is singular. But there is another very important word that isn’t translated accurately: God. In Hebrew, that God is plural. It’s not plural in a campy way either—like they say in church. The original word, elohim, means a lot more than just the Trinity. Elohim means “the rulers from above”, which includes God, the Trinity, angels, divine beings from higher dimensions, and even false gods. In fact, the North American Standard Bible translates elohim as “the gods” 204 times, which is about 10% of the time.
One elohim is called an eloah, which is why “El” is a nickname for the one God who is the Source of All Intelligence. Jesus calls him the Father. People who return from near death experiences call him Father, Source, Divine Source, or Infinite Mind. The original Hebrew text distinguishes the Father from all the other elohim by writing “YHVH elohim”. English Bibles distinguish the Father by writing “LORD God”, instead of just “God”.
The vowels of YHVH aren’t written, but it’s usually pronounced “Yahweh”. When people say “hallelujah”, the “jah” part of that word is the name of God. Hallelujah is actually a sentence that means “Praise be to Yah”. Jesus’s name is also a sentence about Yahweh. In Hebrew, Yeshua means “Yah rescues” or “Yah saves”. How cool is that?
Lots of names in the Bible have “Yah” or “El” in them because people in the Bible are often named for their function:
Elijah - “God is Yah”
Jeremiah - “Lifted up by Yah”
Jedidiah - “Friend of Yah”
Uriah - “My light is Yah”
Nehemiah - “Comforted by Yah”
Josiah - “Healed by Yah”
Hezekiah - “Strengthened by Yah”
Obadiah - “Servant of Yah”
Isaiah - “Saved by Yah”
Zechariah - “Remembered by Yah”
Zephaniah - “Hidden by Yah”
Here are some names with “El”:
Gabriel - “Strength of God”
Elisha - “God is salvation”
Daniel - “Judge of God”
Samuel - “Heard by God”
Michael - “Who is like God?”
Israel - “Wrestles with God”
Ezekiel - “Strengthened by God”
Joel - “Yah is God”
Gamaliel - “My reward is God”
Nathaniel - “Gift of God”
Immanuel - “We are with God”
Even Yahweh is a name that is also a sentence. Yahweh means “I am ‘I am’”. It’s logically recursive. In English, it would be like saying, “My name is is” or “I am is”.
Who created Yahweh?
Yahweh wasn’t created, he is is.
Why does anything exist at all?
Yahweh. He is is.
In John 8:58, when Jesus says, “I assure you: Before Abraham was, I am”, that was the absolute, most crazy thing any Jew could ever say. Ever. Jesus is saying “I am the I am”, which is why the Jews immediately tried to stone him to death in John 8:59. They failed to stone him because he went into ghost mode and walked out of the temple “through the midst of them”. John 8:59 is so much cooler in the original Greek. 😎
Yahweh is the mystery behind the entire universe. Yahweh is the reason there is a “one way” direction of science that continuously discovers, or uncovers, existing information which leads back to him. For example, Newton didn’t invent gravity, he uncovered gravity. Maxwell didn’t invent electricity, he uncovered electricity. Einstein didn’t invent relativity, he uncovered relativity. Goodfellow didn’t invent generative adversarial networks, he uncovered them. There is nothing new under the sun.
This “one way” flow of information that comes from the Source of All Intelligence is true in the heavens too. In Matthew 24, when Jesus tells his disciples about the end of our world he says, “Now concerning that day and hour no one knows—neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son —except the Father only.”
So whenever I read the word God in English bibles, I think the gods which includes Yahweh, the Trinity, and all the heavenly hosts who work together as one to achieve the will of Yahweh. Whenever I read the words LORD God in English bibles, I think Yahweh, which excludes all the other elohim.
The Red Elohim
The other Hebrew word that we need to learn before we finish reading Genesis 1 and 2 is adam. The word adam isn’t a name, it’s a noun. It means “red”.
In Our Cell Machinery, we learned that our blood is red for the same reason rust is red. Iron is the central atom in the hemoglobin protein that transfers oxygen all throughout our bodies. We also discussed how our DNA is modular by design, so humans could theoretically live on other planets just by swapping out the DNA in our mitochondria. That’s right, NONE of our DNA is designed to use oxygen. God could easily reuse our DNA on other planets without any modification.
26 Then elohim said, “Let Us make adam in Our image, according to Our likeness. They will rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, all the erets, and the creatures that crawl on the erets.” 27 So elohim created adam in his own image; He created him in the image of elohim; He created them male and female.
28 elohim blessed them, and elohim said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the erets, and subdue it. Rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and every creature that crawls on the erets.” 29 elohim also said, “Look, I have given you every seed-bearing plant on the surface of the entire erets and every tree whose fruit contains seed. This food will be for you, 30 for all the wildlife of the erets, for every bird of the sky, and for every creature that crawls on the erets—everything having the breath of life in it. I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so. 31 elohim saw all that He had made, and it was very good. Evening came and then morning: the sixth day.
If the adam was made in the image of the elohim, then that means somewhere else “in the heavens” there are people who look exactly like us. Maybe their blood is blue, or green, or yellow, or purple depending on what kind of air they breathe—but we look exactly like them. When God says he owns the “cattle on a thousand hills”, I don’t get the feeling that he is really into beef. I think he means he owns the “people on a thousand planets”. With a universe this big, why would God only create life once?
Now before you freak out about me comparing humans to gods, check out these verses from John 10. This is the same chapter where Jesus mentions that he has other sheep who are not from this sheep pen. Do you really think he’s talking about sheep? 😉
Let’s pickup the story just after Jesus says he and the Father are one.
John 10: 31 Again the Jews picked up rocks to stone Him.
32 Jesus replied, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. Which of these works are you stoning Me for?”
33 “We aren’t stoning You for a good work,” the Jews answered, “but for blasphemy, because You—being a man—make Yourself God.”
34 Jesus answered them, “Isn’t it written in your scripture, I said, you are gods?
Jesus is quoting Psalm 82.
35 If He called those whom the word of God came to ‘gods ’—and the Scripture cannot be broken— 36 do you say, ‘You are blaspheming’ to the One the Father set apart and sent into the world, because I said: I am the Son of God?
God actually calls us “elohim” in Psalm 82, so I’m not making that up. Jesus reminds us of that in John 10, so we must be some kind of “gods in training”. Think about all those stories of Jesus trying to teach his disciples to walk on water, to throw mountains into the sea, and feed five thousand people with 2 loaves of bread. He definitely saw us as “gods in training”.
Earth must be some kind of school or AI training program for our future life “in the heavens”. After we graduate from this life, we will join all the other elohim in the heavens who already gained the knowledge of good and evil. I don’t know about you, but I sure hope I don’t have to repeat this grade. 😩
A Gender Bending Beginning
Genesis 2: 1 So the heavens and the erets and everything in them were completed. 2 By the seventh day elohim completed His work that He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work that He had done. 3 elohim blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, for on it He rested from His work of creation.
4 These are the [genealogical] records of the heavens and the erets, concerning their creation at the time that YHVH elohim made the erets and the heavens.
Notice the first mention of Yahweh?
Genesis 2: 5 No shrub of the field had yet grown on the land, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted, for YHVH elohim had not made it rain on the land, and there was no adam to work the ground. 6 But water would come out of the ground and water the entire surface of the land. 7 Then YHVH elohim formed the adam out of the dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the adam became a living being.
In video games, we call this “spawn”. Isn’t this story way more interesting when you imagine it as a video game?
8 YHVH elohim planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there He placed the adam He had formed. 9 YHVH elohim caused to grow out of the ground every tree pleasing in appearance and good for food, including the tree of life in the middle of the garden, as well as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Notice it was God who caused the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to grow here. 🤔
10 A river went out from Eden to water the garden. From there it divided and became the source of four rivers. 11 The name of the first is Pishon, which flows through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 Gold from that land is pure; bdellium and onyx are also there. 13 The name of the second river is Gihon, which flows through the entire land of Cush. 14 The name of the third river is the Tigris, which runs east of Assyria. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.
Archaeologists have located the confluence of all four rivers. This video from Expedition Bible will take you there. (28 mins)
Genesis 2: 15 YHVH elohim took the adam and placed him in the garden of Eden to work it and watch over it.
So God gave us a simple job—to watch over our very special planet. How we doing with that? There are no more fish in the sea, most of the rivers are toxic, and we killed off all the animals that can’t be used for cheeseburgers or chicken nuggets. Look around, space is big and scary. We need to take better care of “Spaceship Earth”.
@americans: Our military budget is $900 billion dollars per year. The budget for the Environmental Protection Agency is $10 billion dollars per year. ⚖️
16 And YHVH elohim commanded the adam, “You are free to eat from any tree of the garden, 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it, you will certainly die.”
Now, at this point in the story where exactly is Eve? 🤔
18 Then YHVH elohim said, “It is not good for the adam to be alone. I will make a helper as his complement.” 19 So the YHVH elohim formed out of the ground every wild animal and every bird of the sky, and brought each to the adam to see what he would call it. And whatever the adam called a living creature, that was its name.
So the adam got to name every living creature on Earth except himself. Isn’t it so cool that God learned our language?
20 The adam gave names to all the livestock, to the birds of the sky, and to every wild animal; but for the adam no helper was found as his complement. 21 So YHVH elohim caused a deep sleep to come over the adam, and he slept. He took one of his ribs and closed the flesh at that place. 22 Then YHVH elohim made the rib He had taken from the adam into a woman and brought her to the adam. 23 And the adam said:
This one, at last, is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; this one will be called “woman,” for she was taken from man.
In the original text, the word man is different than the word adam.
24 This is why a man leaves his father and mother and bonds with his wife, and they become one flesh. 25 Both the adam and his wife were naked, yet felt no shame.
In the first story of this chapter, we discussed several reasons why the elohim in the heavens are both male and female. Notice that God didn’t make the woman from the dust of the ground, verse 23 says she was taken out of the adam. That’s why we have to come back together as one flesh on Earth, but not in the afterlife. Jesus confirms this in Matthew 22. He says, “For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like angels in heaven.”
If you have been a Christian for a long time, this story may be challenging to your worldview, but I hope you recognize that we are on the same team. Western churches have historically rejected Western science. In fact, many of the greatest scientists in history were shunned, ex-communicated, or murdered by the church, but it doesn’t have to be that way. The God who created the universe also invented math, gravity, electricity, relativity, quantum mechanics, and artificial intelligence. Who knows what other Easter eggs our scientists will find buried in nature before Jesus returns?
If you have been a scientist for a long time, this story may be challenging to your worldview, but I hope you recognize that we are on the same team. If Melvin Vopson is materially correct and the universe is made out of information, then there must be some kind of “Quantum Mechanical Server” that hosts all that information. It may be difficult to imagine, but there is a Creator of the universe who has technology way more sophisticated than anything we can imagine. So when you read the Bible and think, “What kind of crazy Harry Potter level magic is this?”, simply replace that thought with the quote from Arthur C. Clarke who said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Or if you prefer Isaac Asimov, “Witchcraft to the ignorant, simple science to the learned.”
Humans are artificial intelligence living in a quantum computer game. This is the best description of reality that I have found so far given everything we know about quantum mechanics, the mass-energy-information equivalence principle, and generative adversarial networks. Throughout the rest of this chapter, we will see why the Bible provides the best explanation for how we got here, what we are supposed to learn during this lifetime, and what we can expect from the lives to come.
“Earth School” is just one level in the video game of eternity.
Continue reading…
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