@Book Publishers
I have a few other books that I want to write for profit. This foundation only owns the intellectual property I’m willing to give the Internet for free. I have been publishing 400-word essays on Instagram for my real life friends for almost a decade. I have covered everything from guns, politics, racism, parenting, history, science, and technology. I want to turn the best essays into several thousand word pieces for an anthology. I’m thinking way less science and religion, and something more like “Arguably” by Christopher Hitchens. I have also been working on a parenting book titled, “Sticks and Stones: will break my bones but words will irreparably damage me forever.”
If you want to publish either of these books, email me here.
@bookagents: If you represent some of the best authors in the world and you’re willing to represent me, I want an agent who can get me more than $2.50 per book out of the publishers. You can also email me here.