Why subscribe?

Because I’m the most interesting person you’ve never heard of. I am the real Good Will Hunting.

For example: Scientists have been studying my brain since the 4th grade because computers measured my IQ higher than Einstein’s, twice. I was usually the poorest kid (at eight different schools) and had jobs driving forklifts, washing dishes, and folding clothes. I went from sleeping on other people’s sofas as a teenager, to temporarily retired at 34, because I’m really good at math and science. For the last ten years, I’ve been funding my own scientific research and exploring the world with my wife (of 23 years) and our five little kids. We have lived in 200 cities, in 40 countries, spending 100 nights a year on the road for more than a decade.

Learn more about us.

We have “researched” the best coffee shops, bakeries, gelaterias, and all fun things to do in 64% of the world’s top 50 advanced economies. That’s not even bragging, that’s just data. We have probably visited your hometown, toured the 2-10 things it’s most famous for, met 5 of your neighbors, and tried your favorite foods.

The newsfeed I make for my friends each week highlights our favorite hidden travel gems, foods, chefs, artists, and creators from around the world. Let us liven up your YouTube.

The reason we probably met one of your neighbors is because those 200 cities were just home base for exploring whole regions by van. In addition to being the nerdiest person you have ever met, I have performed street comedy in over 500 cities, approaching hundreds of groups of strangers every year from every walk of life. I work city parks, golf courses, ice cream lines in the summer, ski lines in the winter, old people, young people, poor people, rich people, your city’s biggest festival, campfires everywhere, and the inevitable beaches at the end(s) of the Earth. 🌅

This isn’t a joke: Do you know what you will find on the beach if you drive to all the remotest ends of the Earth? Two Australians. They will be camping on the beach with huge smiles on their faces. I’m serious. That trick works everywhere. The Australians will offer you good beer, good coffee, and they’ll know where to find the cheapest taco within 100 miles.

I published 1700 notes like this over the past ten years in my Instagram diary for our IRL friends to follow along. Follow us in two-taps:


During the last decade, in addition to thousands of street interviews, I read 30 million words of science to answer the two most important questions we have in life:

  1. Why are we here?

  2. Is there a God?

I summarized everything I learned in a book called, “Human Attention”, meaning I literally wrote the book on human attention. You can only read it here, on my private social network, because I am reserving the right to train artificial intelligence on my content. I am working on a “digital me”, to be me, so future versions of this book will be even easier for you to understand.

Read it, and then let me know if you think I wrote the book on human attention.

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@cybernerds: You will love this book. It explores the ways humans already behave like artificial intelligence and why human attention may be the most valuable commodity in the universe.

If reading ain’t your thang, make sure you subscribe to the video newsfeed I make for my friends each week. The videos also cover recent advances in science and technology. I email them 5-10 YouTube videos that they can stream directly to their TVs to watch with their friends and discuss with their kids. I want my friends to see the future that’s coming before everyone else. 🫶

I’ll send you my email, when you send me your’s.

Know the Future

I’ll deliver it in short easy videos each week.

Early Access

I publish new books and stories in my weekly newsfeed because I want my friends to provide notes and edits as I publish. 🙌

Fresh Links

Aren’t you already bored by your own YouTube subscriptions? Let me sprinkle in a little sugar and spice and everything nice into those recommendation algorithms. 🍩

Join the crew

Join a community of nerds who share my interests. 🤓

#artificialintelligence #scienceisreal #godisreal #pollutionisreal #technology #warforhumanattention #youareartificialintelligence #simulationtheory #pixelsofreality #humanbrainsarequantumcomputing #humanbrainsaregenerativeadversarialnetworks #youhaveexactlyoneuniverseineverycell #funfreq.com

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Content gets lost on social media. The average Organic Reach on Instagram is only 9%, which means if you post a photo of your cute puppy to 1000 followers, Instagram will only show it to 90 of them. Facebook’s organic reach is only 4.5% so only 45 of 1000 friends would ever see your puppy. Every edition of my weekly private newsfeed goes directly to your email. 🔮

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We publish stories and videos about intelligent design, artificial intelligence, and the future of our world. We have no ads, no clickbait, and no fake news.


I create software that powers the underpowered.