@Creators and Influencers

Like our content? Feel free to use it in your podcasts and videos. Email us your links so we can include them in our newsfeeds. 🙌

I want to be a guest on your podcast, radio show, TV show, TikTok, Instagram, Twitch, Facebook, Weibo, Twitter, LinkedIn, QZone, or YouTube channel. I know you have a hungry audience to feed each week, so I promise you a mind blowing interview. My new book, Uncertainty, covers all the uncertainty in the universe, so we can tailor the topics and questions precisely for your demographics. I will make your audience laugh, wonder, and cry—all at the same time.

I am an expert on the following topics:

I perform street comedy to more than 500 groups of strangers all around the world each year, so I can explain these topics to children, grandmas, scientists, and everyone in between. Just let me know what your audience loves and help me plug our foundation at the end. I want to reach everyone, so I don’t care if you live in Hollywood, Bollywood, Dollywood, or live stream from your parents’ basement.

Let’s share some stories. 🙌

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