Putting Darwin on Trial

In this story, we learn why the Bible has more explanatory power for the origin of man than Darwinian Evolution.

TLDR: I’ll summarize this story for you.

Charles Darwin‘s Origin of Species and Stephen Hawking’s Grand Design are belief systems just like every other religion. It takes just as much faith to believe this universe doesn’t have a creator, as it takes to believe that it does. In fact, it takes more. Atheist physicists who believe in Grand Design have to multiply all the chaos in the universe BY INFINITY to explain the world we see. If that sentence doesn’t make much sense to you, don’t worry, it doesn’t make much sense to me either and I know what it means. 🤣

The reason atheist physicists need an infinite amount of universes to explain the one that looks like ours is Entropy.

  • Entropy is the reason we get cancer.

  • Entropy is the reason metals rust.

  • Entropy is the reason the Rocky Mountains are crumbling.

Entropy means chaos and randomness naturally increase over time. So whenever we witness something that is non-random, or highly improbable compared to chance, that is indirect evidence of some kind of intelligent consciousness at work. For example, what are the odds that all the atoms in New York City randomly assembled into this exact configuration from natural processes over time?

We can’t see any architects in this photo, but that doesn’t mean we can’t see their work. See how the non-randomness of a skyscraper is indirect evidence of an intelligent designer? Good, remember that, because throughout this story we are going to examine everything from ancient documents, to DNA, to fossils, to stars looking for indirect evidence of an intelligent designer. All of this evidence will help us see why the Jewish origin story has way more explanatory power for the world we live in than Darwin’s Origin of Species.

The Jewish origin story has:

And most improbable of all, the Bible includes a Cryptographic Number Key that even a child can recognize and understand.

Doesn’t that sound impossible?


That’s because it is impossible compared to chance. What’s even more impossible is that all this evidence is independently falsifiable. So as you’re reading along, decide for yourself how unlikely all of this evidence really is.

Highly Improbable Origins

When I first began researching religions that could have a God who “programs” in DNA, I focused on the Abrahamic religions for obvious reasons. The coincidence that 3 major religions were dependent on one prehistoric man was just too improbable to ignore. What was so special about that guy?

Christians have fully adopted the Jewish origin story as their Old Testament, so there’s really only two accounts of Abraham—the Torah and the Quran. What’s shocking is how much they agree on what happened in his life:

  • The Torah says Ishmael was the first born son of Abraham with Hagar, just like the Quran.

  • The Torah says Issac was the second born son of Abraham with Sarah, just like the Quran.

  • The Torah says God blessed both sons, just like the Quran.

The only real mutually exclusive difference is the Torah says God asked Abraham to sacrifice Issac, while the Quran says God asked Abraham to sacrifice Ishmael.

The difference between the two accounts is so subtle, that it’s suspicious. Both of these origin stories claim that our Creator has an Adversary whose purpose is to deceive. So the fact that one of these origin stories has a copycat religion this similar means that one of them is more likely to be true. How many other religions on Earth have a clone?

Either way, the Torah and the Quran are both infinitely more plausible than the idea that 3 billion letters of DNA randomly assembled from a Big Bang explosion, which led to a supernova explosion, which led to the Cambrian explosion, which led to you reading this book.

How many explosions do atheists need to explain our world? ♾️


Highly Improbable Geography

If God and his Adversary are battling for human attention, then it makes sense that they would fight for control of the Levant. The Levant is the territory along the eastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea where East meets West. It is the crossroads of all crossroads on planet Earth. Controlling the Levant is like controlling the center square of a tic-tac-toe game, which is why there have been wars to control it almost continuously since the beginning of recorded history.

For thousands of years, the events that transpired in the Levant could easily radiate along trade routes all around the world. Remember, the Internet has always been here—before we moved information digitally, we moved information by paper, cuneiform tablet, and word-of-mouth. I’ve read an ancient Chinese explorer describe his first voyage to Dar Chin (Rome), and I’ve read an ancient Roman explorer describe his first voyage to Seres (China)—both accounts mentioned the Levant.

The Levant is a choke point on land, but it’s also a choke point for the sea. Now that commercial shipping has moved from the Silk Road to the ocean, 12% of global trade goes through the Suez Canal. The Levant is even a choke point for the physical Internet—check out this map of submarine Internet cables.

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Highly Improbable Genocides

The geography of the Jewish origin story might account for the unusually high number of genocidal holocausts the Jews have endured throughout their history. The Babylonians decimated them in 605 BCE. It’s amazing that they’re still around today. How many other ancient people groups are still around today, worshiping their same God, since 2000 BCE? 🤔

Ever met any Selucids?

How many Baal worshippers do you know?

The Babylonian genocide was just the first of many. Antiochus Epiphanes tried to eradicate the Jews again in 167 BC. The Romans tried to eradicate them again in 66 CE, slaughtering 500k non-combatant Jews according to Josephus. Tacitus quoted 600k. In the dark ages, who knows how many Jews were wiped out again in the Christian Crusades and again in the Muslim Crusades? Then in WWII, the Nazis tried to exterminate the Jews again by slaughtering 6M more.

Which is more improbable:

  1. That many different cultures trying to ethnically cleanse the Jews?

  2. The Jews surviving that many ethnic cleansings?

Both are incredibly improbable compared to chance.

There are only 15M Jews on Earth. Why do so many people want them dead?


Highly Improbable Geology

The geography of the Jewish origin story is unique, but so is the geology. The Levant is the northern end of Earth’s Great Rift Valley. The Great Rift Valley divides Asia from Africa with a series of trenches that stretch 4000 miles from Lebanon in the North to Mozambique in the South. 🌍

The Jordan River flows through the bottom of the Great Rift starting from high on Mount Hermon, the tallest mountain in the region at 9,232 feet (2,814 m). The elevation changes here are so steep that just 30 miles away (48 km), where the Jordan River flows into the Sea of Galilee, the elevation is already 686 feet (209 m) below sea level. 📉

Just another 100 miles (160 km) to the south, where the Jordan River meets the Dead Sea, is the lowest place on Earth. The Dead Sea is 1,410 feet (430 m) below sea level. I’ve driven from Mount Hermon to the Dead Sea and I’ve driven from Mount Nebo to Jerusalem—it’s some of the steepest terrain anywhere on Earth.

@geologists: Doesn’t the topography of Israel look like that’s where “Mother Earth” would give birth to something? Like when you zoom out, doesn’t the topography of Israel look kinda…uh…gynecological? 🫢

So what does that make the Great Rift Valley? I wrote so many jokes for this spot that my wife wouldn’t let me use—like how many male geologists does it take to find Mount Hermon?

When looking for evidence of an origin story, the geology of Israel is difficult to ignore. This geology plays a key role in Noah’s flood. We will discuss it further in:

Highly Improbable Intelligence

The extreme geology, the geographical chokepoint, and the coincidence of the origin stories all increase my confidence in the Abrahamic faiths as opposed to the other religions. There is definitely something weird going on in Israel.

Now here is something even weirder: roughly 20% of the 900 Nobel Prize-winning scientists who have ever lived are Jewish, despite the fact that Jewish people are only 0.2% of the global population. Jews are 100 times more likely to win Nobel Prizes than all the other people groups on Earth.

That’s so improbable.


Any religion that produces Nobel Prize winning stats like that gets my attention. If 20% of all Nobel Prizes had been won by Mormons, and their origin story claimed the Creator of All Intelligence personally culled and trained them in the desert as his “chosen people”, I would research all their sacred texts too. 📖

Which is more likely: the Jewish origin story, or the idea that humans evolved over millions and millions of years but waited until the final 0.1% of our evolutionary timeline to discover 100.0% of our science and technology?

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Highly Improbable Genetics

The biggest problem reconciling reality with the millions of years of Darwinian Evolution is our genetics. Atheist geneticists all over the world agree that every man alive today was produced from a single man born less than a hundred thousand years ago. They call him Y-MRCA, or y-chromosomal Adam. The acronym MRCA stands for Most Recent Common Ancestor. Y stands for the Y chromosome, which men can only inherit from their fathers. Mothers don’t have this chromosome, so it allows scientists to precisely trace our heredity without any confounding mutations.

Even the atheists agree there was an Adam.


The Darwinian explanation for why every man on Earth came from one man is that humans co-evolved over millions of years, and then one guy out procreated everyone who ever lived before him to the level of global extinction. They call it a genetic choke point. Somehow, y-chromosomal Adam eliminated 100% of the genetic material of every man who ever lived before him like some kind of “genocidal casanova”. Even Genghis Khan, who actually tried to do this on purpose, could only produce 0.5% of the current global population and he controlled more of planet Earth than anyone in recorded history. 🕺🔪

Here is an article in National Geographic about the prolific DNA of Genghis Khan:

Atheist geneticists all over the world also agree that every man, woman, and child alive today came from the same mother. They call her mt-MRCA, or Mitochondrial Eve.

That means everyone, including you.


The mitochondria inside each of our cells have their own DNA that we inherit directly from our mothers. Your mom gave you the mitochondrial DNA that her mom gave her; and that happened all the way back to one “seed” woman several generations before y-chromosomal Adam. Again, how did this ancient lady produce children who eradicated every other human from their millions of years of evolution?

Atheist geneticists estimate that Eve lived about 100-200,000 years ago (using a bunch of assumptions), but their estimates for y-chromosomal Adam are only 50-100,000 years ago. Think about how recent those dates are on an evolutionary timeline. DNA is evidence, and there is no evidence of people from the millions of years of Darwinian Evolution.

Where are all those dead bodies?


In contrast, the Jewish origin story has a very good explanation for why atheist geneticists date Mitochondrial Eve slightly older than y-chromosomal Adam. According to the Torah, Eve is the mother of all people, but the most recent common ancestor of all men isn’t Adam, it’s Noah. Genesis 7:21 says that every living thing on Earth that wasn’t inside Noah’s ark perished. Noah (and his three sons) were the only men on that boat so maybe the geneticists should start calling y-MRCA, “y-chromosomal Noah”.

The DNA of every single person living today, including you, confirms not one, but TWO totally separate genetic choke points from the Jewish origin story. How could that just be a random coincidence?

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The Jewish origin story even accounts for the distribution of genes we witness all around the world today. In Genesis 10, Noah’s three sons disperse to fill the Earth:

  • Japheth went North to populate Europe

  • Shem went East to populate Asia

  • Ham went South to populate Africa

Using the evidence preserved inside our DNA, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson has reconstructed the entire human family tree going all the way back to these three brothers in his new book, Traced: Human DNA’s Big Surprise.

Dr. Jeanson also produces videos from this research. In How Genetic Science CONFIRMS the Bible, he explains how DNA tracing works. (42 mins)

Dr. Jeanson has videos that cover people groups from all around the world including Ancient Egyptians, Indus River Valley, Far East, and Pacific Islanders. Here is my favorite episode, which covers the haplogroups of Native Americans. (63 mins)

In this video, Dr. Jeanson mentions a fascinating book called The Red Record: The Migration Legend of the Lenni Lenape. The book documents the origin story of the Delaware Tribe, which describes a Garden of Eden, Great Spirit hovering over the water, a Serpent bringing evil into the world, a Flood that destroys everything, and an Ice Age that followed. The reason origin myths all over the world have a global flood is because everyone alive today came from three brothers who survived a global flood. Duh.

@evolutionists: The Native American haplogroups can be traced to two small groups of people who migrated from China around 200 CE and 900CE. One of those groups was as small as 10 individuals. Does it make sense that the entire continent of North America remained completely devoid of human activity for MILLIONS OF YEARS while humans evolved from a single-celled organism in Africa and Asia? The oldest buildings in America are only 1,000 years old.

How do you explain that?

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High Improbable Anthropology

Consider the difference between the Jewish origin story, and the millions of years of Darwinian Evolution using simple anthropology. Both origin stories agree that we all came from two people. If you start with 2 people, and you double them 33 times, you get 8.5 billion people. If you don’t believe me, type this into a calculator, a chatbot, or Google:



That’s not 33 generations, that’s 33 population doublings. We need multiple generations for our population to double once. To figure out how long it takes for the global population to double once, let’s use this chart from the World Economic Forum:

Back in 1975, the Earth had 4 billion people, so it took around 50 years for our global population to double once. At that rate, 2 people would only need 1,650 years to produce the global population we observe today (33*50). Even if our population doubling rate was only 200 years because of rampant infant mortality, the entire human population would still only be about 7,000 years old. 😳

33 * 200 = 6,600 years


Even if you make the population doubling rate a thousand years, that’s still only 33,000 years old. Our genetic tree is extremely young. More than a third of all descendants of Mitochondrial Eve who have ever lived, ARE CURRENTLY BREATHING.

There’s just not enough time for evolution to happen on this planet. Maybe humans evolved on some other planet a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, but the first two humans who arrived on this planet got here in the last 10,000 years. There is no hard evidence of human life on Earth before that—only assumptions.

Start a fight on Twitter about evolution.


Highly Improbable Genealogies

The reason we can compare our modern genetics to the Jewish origin story is because the ancient Israelites were evidently the nerdiest bookkeepers on the planet. How many other religions kept meticulous genealogies of every important person born into their community going all the way back to the spawning of Adam?

None. There are no others.


The Torah names every y-chromosomal father from Adam to the birth of Abraham, thousands of years later. This improbable tradition is continued in the New Testament as well. The New Testament begins by immediately listing every y-chromosomal father from Abraham to the birth of Jesus. Matthew 1:17 sums it up,

So all the generations from Abraham to David were 14 generations; and from David until the exile to Babylon, 14 generations; and from the exile to Babylon until the Messiah, 14 generations.

The symmetry is palpable. Just wait until you see what the number 14 means in the “hidden wisdom” of the Cryptographic Bible Key we mentioned at the beginning of this story.

Highly Improbable Archaeology

The meticulous bookkeeping of the ancient Israelites creates thousands of opportunities for us to corroborate or disprove the Jewish origin story using modern archaeology. Fair warning: once you start down the biblical archaeology rabbit hole, it’s difficult to stop. Some of the evidence in these videos is impossible compared to random chance. I’ve also included videos on the fossil record and the geological record because they are “natural witnesses” that corroborate the stories in the Bible.

Here is a simple overview to get us started, 37 Bible Characters Found Through Archaeology. (21 mins)

Also check out, 28 Historical Figures Mentioned in the New Testament. (25 mins)

One of my favorite biblical archaeologists is Dr. Douglas Petrovich who wrote a book called, The World’s Oldest Alphabet: Hebrew as the Language of the Proto-Consonantal Script. Biblical archaeology doesn’t get any more foundational than the world's oldest alphabet. Dr. Petrovich presents a summary of this research in a lecture called, Is Hebrew the World’s Oldest Alphabet, and Why Should Laypeople Care?. (76 mins)

I have watched hours and hours of Dr. Petrovich’s lectures on YouTube and my favorite one is about Joseph. The Egyptians called him “Sobekemhat”, which means “he who controls the water”. In all of ancient Egyptian history, Sobekemhat was the only person to ever hold the title, “Controller of the Entire Land”. If you want to learn more about Sobekemhat, watch Is There Evidence for Jacob and Joseph?. (76 mins)

You can still see the archaeological evidence of Joseph’s time on planet Earth from outer space. In the image below, the big green triangle is the Nile Delta and the little green triangle is called the Faiyum. The Faiyum was artificially created by Sobekemhat in antiquity using the small canal on the southeast side. 🤯

Joseph in the Bible built that.


Here is lecture where Dr. Petrovich discusses archaeological evidence from the ancient city of Avaris including the only Egyptian palace with two master bedrooms. It’s called, Is There Evidence for Manasseh and Ephraim in Egypt?. (53 mins)

The next few videos are from a YouTube channel, called Is Genesis History?. They have content from Dr. Petrovich and several other super smart scientists who like to dig in the dirt. ⛏️

In What Caused the Worldwide Flood of Noah's Day?, Dr. Andrew Snelling explains how Pangea confirms the Jewish origin story. (21 mins)

Whatever you have heard about radiometric dating is a scientific joke. All the different isotopes produce wildly different dates from the exact same rock samples. Here is, What is Radioisotope Dating? And Can We Trust It?. (23 mins)

Dr. Snelling will blow your mind 53 different ways in How Old Is the Earth?. That’s how many ways he uses to measure the age of the Earth, including:

  • Helium in the ground and atmosphere

  • Meteor dust

  • The sediment and saltiness of the sea

  • Erosion of continents

  • Oil and natural gas leaks

  • Radiohalos (one of my favorites)

  • Decay of comets

  • Hardening of rocks

  • Decay of Saturn’s rings

  • Peat bog growth

  • Stone Age burials, and

  • Uranium decay (54 mins)

Start another fight on Twitter about evolution.


In the next video, Dr. Steve Austin explains how coal and petroleum were created in the aftermath of a catastrophic flood. Here’s What Do Floating Log Mats Have to Do with Noah's Flood?. (20 mins)

If you want to dive deeper into coal and petroleum, here is Mount St. Helens: Explosive Evidence for Creation. (61 mins)

Petroleum isn’t made from “dead dinosaurs”. In fact, the dinosaurs didn’t live hundreds of millions of years ago because our simulation isn’t that old. There are still red blood cells in dinosaur fossils, and red blood cells don’t survive millions of years. Here’s What Does Soft Tissue in Dinosaur Bones Mean for Evolution?. (21 mins)

Next up is a super smart biologist named Dr. Kurt Wise. Here’s How Does a Global Flood Explain the Order of the Fossil Record?. (21 mins)

The next video is the best explanation of the fossil record that I’ve ever seen. The reason that fossils don’t show any signs of decay is because they were buried alive all at once by hydraulic catastrophe. The delicate little wings on insects are still intact. The delicate little fins are fish are still intact. Those animals didn’t die and wait around for thousands of years to get buried in sediment. Here’s Evidence that Noah's Flood Formed the Fossil Record. (70 mins)

Seriously annoy an Darwinian Evolutionist.


All those videos provide archaeological evidence for the stories in Genesis. Now let’s move on to Exodus. Here is one of my favorite archaeological documentaries that confirms the Jewish origin story. I’ve seen it three times. It’s called Patterns of Evidence: Exodus by Tim Mahoney. (115 mins)

You know how the plagues of Moses sound scary in the Bible? Well here is a video about an ancient papyrus from the same time period that describes the same series of events from the Egyptian perspective. 😳 (21 mins)

The next video will take you to all the locations after the Israelite exodus. You will see Nuweiba Beach, where they crossed the Red Sea. You will see underwater topographical maps and ancient Egyptian chariots still buried in the coral. The journalists travel all the way to Jabal Maqla in Saudi Arabia, which is the real Mount Sinai. It still has burn marks on the top of the mountain TODAY from God coming down to Earth as fire thousands of years ago. 🔥 (20 mins)

Now let’s cross into the Promised Land. This next story is from the YouTube channel, Expedition Bible. Our whole family loves to watch this guy because he is the real Indiana Jones. He will take you everywhere in the Bible from Egypt to Iraq. Here’s Jericho Unearthed: The Archaeology of Jericho Explained. (34 mins)

This guy even found the lost river from the Garden of Eden. Here’s Searching for The Garden of Eden’s Pishon River. (28 mins)

This next archaeology documentary is about King David called, Searching for a King: the United Kingdom of Israel. I have personally visited most of the sites in this documentary and seeing these locations dramatically improved how I imagine the biblical narrative. It’s worth watching just to see all the locations. (111 mins)

The final part of this documentary visits Qumran National Park, home of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Dead Sea Scrolls were more than 1,000 years older than the oldest known copies of the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) and confirmed with incredible accuracy that our Old Testament texts are reliable copies of the original works. The Essene Jews who lived at Qumran were so fanatical about their bookkeeping that scribes stopped to bathe every time they had to write YHVH, the name of God. 🛁

One of the archaeologists in the film is Dr. Scott Stripling 🤘, who just made a big archaeological discovery on Mount Ebal. Here’s an interview with him discussing his Top 5 Archaeological Finds That Affirm the Bible. (51 mins)

All these guys are serious scientists. Subscribe to their channels and watch all their videos. The scientific evidence they present from the fossil record, the archaeological record, and the geological record corroborate the Jewish origin story just like the DNA record from y-chromosomal Noah and Mitochondrial Eve.

All those crazy stories in the Bible actually happened.


Subscribe for more videos like these.

Highly Improbable Astronomy

In all those archaeology videos, we saw the Jewish origin story confirmed by scientific evidence preserved in the dirt, but could there also be evidence preserved in the stars?

The Bible accurately described the planets and the cosmos thousands of years before our smartest astronomers. For example, Job 26 is the earliest known assertion in all of recorded history that the world is round. It was written more than a thousand years before Pythagoras. How could the writer of Job have known that? Job 26 also mentions that God hung the circle of the Earth “on nothing”, which was a crazy idea until Sir Isaac Newton discovered gravity thousands of years later. In Isaiah 40, the Bible says God “stretches out the heavens like a thin cloth” as a tent to live in. I wouldn’t be surprised if the cloth was spacetime and the stretching was dark energy. How else would you explain those ideas to a caveman?

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My favorite astronomical confirmation of the Bible comes from the Christmas Star in the New Testament. Remember how the New Testament immediately begins with the genealogies from Abraham to Jesus in Matthew 1? Well, the Christmas Star is the next thing we learn about in Matthew 2. 🌟

The Christmas Star is more of a confirmation of our destination story than our origin story, but it’s still just as interesting. Here’s a link to series of blog posts, called The Star of Bethlehem, where astronomers used computer simulations to reverse engineer the movement of the stars going back thousands of years. This allowed them to compare and contrast their movements with the biblical narrative. This story will blow your mind for real. They even pinpointed the exact date when Jesus was crucified—just from the alignments of the planets and the stars. 🤯

Our world was transformed on the weekend of April 3-5, 33 AD.


Highly Improbable Cryptographic Key

We opened this story by showing how non-random distributions are indirect evidence of an intelligent mind at work. So in this final section we are going to see how the Bible contains a non-random number key, providing the strongest evidence yet that some kind of superintelligence designed our world.

Remember how Matthew pointed out the symmetry of 14 generations occurring 3 separate times?

Matthew 1:17 So all the generations from Abraham to David were 14 generations; and from David until the exile to Babylon, 14 generations; and from the exile to Babylon until the Messiah, 14 generations.

That’s because the number 14 means something very specific in the Bible. In fact, every number in the Bible has a very specific hidden meaning—just like in Cryptography. What is super freaky improbable is that every author in the Bible, separated by centuries of time, uses this exact same Cryptographic Number Key.

The reason that sounds totally crazy, is because it is totally crazy. It’s impossible, especially compared to chance. So whenever you see the counts of things in the Bible like 14 generations, 40 days of rain, 5 loaves of bread, 318 strong men, or 153 fish—there will be an additional hidden meaning behind those numbers.

I didn’t invent the Bible Key or discover it. There are plenty of resources on the Internet that talk about it. However, I streamed the Bible 100 times in a row to research it, so I have a lot more to say about it than all the other resources on the Internet. We will discuss the Bible Key in every story of the next chapter, Computer Science of the Bible. If you keep reading, I’ll even tell you what the number 666 means in Revelation. 😉

For now, here is my cheat sheet for each number’s hidden meaning:

  • 1 - begin, beginning

  • 2 - witness

  • 3 - strong, strength

  • 4 - create, creation

  • 5 - to give, bless

  • 6 - sign of man

  • 7 - sign of God, God’s plan

  • 8 - new life, resurrection

  • 9 - judgment, wisdom

The “hidden wisdom” of the Bible Key intensifies and combines intuitively from there:

  • 10 - begin order, organize

  • 11 - confusion, comparison

  • 12 - kingdom

  • 13 - rebellion, change

  • 14 - God moves (2x7 witness God)

  • 15 - strong blessing (3x5)

  • 16 - love (2x8 witness new life)

  • 17 - pour forth, go forth

  • 18 - strong man (3x6)

  • 19 - to test, begin judgment

  • 20 - witness order

  • 22 - gossip, marketing (2x11 witness confusion)

  • 24 - kingdom above (2x12 witness creation)

  • 27 - strong judgment (3x9)

  • 30 - very strong order

  • 33 - enduring strength

  • 39 - very strong rebellion, change (3x13)

  • 40 - create new order, completely transform

  • 50 - blessing to all, jubilee

Let’s use the number 40 as an example of how this “hidden wisdom” works. When something in the Bible happens 40 times, it creates a new order. After the “waters of the deep” (lava) burst forth in Noah’s flood, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. If it had only rained 39 nights, then the Earth would have been very strongly cleansed, but not completely purified. So the number 40 is a signal to the reader that something is complete or fulfilled. In 2 Corinthians 11, Paul says, “Five times I received 39 lashes from Jews.” The Jews gave Paul 39 lashes for his very strong rebellion because 40 lashes would have completely killed him.

Here are some other examples of the number 40:

  • Moses spent 40 years of his life as an Egyptian, 40 years as a shepherd in the desert, and 40 years leading a nation. Think about what that means about him as a person. He also spent 40 days and 40 nights on top of Mount Sinai receiving the ten commandments.

  • Jonah preached in Ninevah for 40 days and completely transformed their culture.

  • When David went to the front lines to visit his brothers, Goliath had taunted Israel for the full 40 days. If David had fought Goliath after only 39 days of taunting, he would have robbed King Saul of his rightful duty to defend Israel. But after 40 days, King Saul had abdicated in absentia, creating a completely new order.

  • Jesus fasted for 40 days to start his ministry. After his resurrection from the dead, he appeared to people for 40 days. When he ascended into heaven, he commanded his disciples to wait 10 more days to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (on the 50th day).

Sometimes the Bible Key shows up in itemized lists. For example, 1 Corinthians 13 describes all the qualities of love. Love is patient, love is kind, and love is 14 other things because the number 16 means love:

  1. is patient

  2. is kind

  3. does not envy

  4. does not boast

  5. is not conceited

  6. does not act improperly

  7. is not selfish

  8. is not provoked

  9. keeps no record of wrongs

  10. has no joy in unrighteousness

  11. rejoices in truth

  12. bears all things

  13. believes all things

  14. hopes all things

  15. endures all things

  16. never ends

In Galatians 5, there are 9 “fruits of the spirit” that we can use to judge our own character. Jesus said we will know everyone by their fruit:

  1. Love (agape) - preference of others over self

  2. Joy (chara) - recognizes a favor

  3. Peace (eirene) - serenity

  4. Patience (makrothymoi) - slow to heat up

  5. Kindness (chrestotes) - charitable usefulness

  6. Goodness (agathosune) - good deep down in your heart

  7. Faithfulness (pistis) - persuadable by God

  8. Gentleness (prautes) - power remaining in reserve

  9. Self-control (egkrateia) - dominion from within

The Bible Key occasionally shows up in chapter and verse numbers too. For example, in Exodus 14 God moves to part the Red Sea. In Exodus 17, water pours forth from the split rock that we saw in the archaeological videos. The water erosion at the base of this thing makes no sense.

The Bible Key even shows up in calendar dates. If something happens on the 13th day of the month, then you know it’s not going to be good. Here is another example from a very well known story. I’ve placed the (hidden meaning) beside each number.

Genesis 7: 11 In the six hundredth (highly ordered man) year of Noah’s life, in the second (witness) month, on the seventeenth (pour forth) day of the month, on that day all the sources of the watery depths burst open, the floodgates of the sky were opened, and the rain fell on the earth 40 days and 40 nights.

How non-random is that?


The whole Bible works this way. The Cryptographic Number Key is the number one reason I believe the Bible is the best source of truth on this planet. Some superintelligence way smarter than us is influencing this world and the evidence is hidden in plain sight. From Abraham to David were 14 generations; and from David until the exile to Babylon, 14 generations; and from the exile to Babylon until the Messiah, 14 generations. Matthew didn’t make that symmetry happen.

I know the Bible Key is ridiculous, which is my point. It’s impossible. The Bible Key is so impossible, that we would need an infinite amount of universes to believe that the 750,000 words of the Bible could ever end up in that order by random chance. 🤣

Continue reading…

Table of Contents

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